How are you.
How you are corduroy forehead marks.
How you are semi-permanent.
How you are up waiting for the train to stop, but it runs intermittently all night.
How you are finding light that actually vaporizes monsters.
How you are guilt about being loved.
How you are a reference: How you are the monster.
How you are the irony of dying in a car crash en route to acquire anti-dying medication.
How you are naturally not wanting to die.
How you are bleeding from several places but can't pinpoint where.
How you are the minor details left out.
How you are elevator-exclusive claustrophobia.
How you are? Neurotic.
How you are the sporadically inverse relationship between sex and power.
How you are reading the letters on the clock backwards.
How you are peeling me off the floor in past tense.
How you are many versions repopulating in absence.
How you are losing meaning: how sanitary, how blank.
How you are last-ditch hope.
How arbitrary.
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